"Our GOAL and MISSION - To become the predominant supplier of Aged and Disability Care Software in Australasia by providing superior tailored, total solutions to Community and Aged Care organizations requiring computerized business and administration software."
ADAMAS CORPORATE SOLUTIONS PTY LTD was established in 2002 to enhance and expand the activities of the former Corporate Health Information Technology and Merlin Software.
ADAMAS is the owner and developer of TRACCS, the leading Australian Disability & Community Care software - distributed and supported in Australia since 1995.
ADAMAS has in excess of 150 active multi user sites in all states of Australia, ranging in size from 2 to 100's of users.
ADAMAS works to provide real life and practical answers to those organizations requiring functional solutions to their day to day problems. Involved in all levels of implementation, from pre sales consultancy through to training and support, you are never more than a phone call/email away from professional staff with expert product knowledge and/or local technical support through an accredited technical agent. With over 50 accumulated years of experience in Health, Rostering, Human Resource, Accounting and Office Management Solutions,
ADAMAS installs in and is strongly represented in all states and territories of Australia.
Is a multi user, multi department, corporate level aged and disability care system, developed using SQL Server Database technology.
Provides a suite of easy to use modules covering Client Management, Rostering, Time and Attendance, Award Interpretation, Mobile device capability, Staff and HR Management, Automated MDS and reporting outputs, Standard and user definable reports and Management dashboards suitable for use across all aged and disability service provision environments.
Is an easy-to-use NDIA, HCP, DEX, HACC, QCSS mand ONI compliant software program which assists with the administrative functions of Aged Care, Disability and Community Care Service Providers.
Is essentially an integrated Client Management, Rostering, Time and Attendance System, developed to serve as a powerful tool in the aged and disability care environment, where organisations need to provide funded or commercial services requiring the matching of suitably qualified, available staff to approved service recipients.
TRACCS and Homecare Packages
It is important that you understand that priority is given to support queries initially based on the submission method where all other priorities are equal. So a medium urgency support call will be prioritized against other medium support calls as follows
PLEASE NOTE : The Adamas Helpdesk is not a technical help desk for network or infrastructure queries. Issues surrounding Backups, Data Migration, Technical failures, Software Installation or other non TRACCS issues should be referred to your local ICT provider.
In most cases if you elect to phone - we will request that you also send confirming details etc by email or from the support page - and cannot begin support until those details arrive.
This helps us deliver the most efficient resolution of queries by allowing us to focus on the actual information regarding the problem rather than verbal explanations and unclear descriptions. It also allows us to process multiple support queries simultaneously (this cannot be done if we are on the phone)
When logging a support call you should make sure you include all requested information as well as any relevant screen shots of the issue you are having difficulty with. This speeds up the process by bypassing the first three steps in any communication where we need to get detailed information about the problem.
Please ensure when you nominate a priority - that it accurately reflects the true urgency of the situation. Customers who abuse this system by continually putting urgent when the call does not fit into the urgent category will have there calls re-prioritized according to Adamas Staff interpretation of the problem - followed by an email to reconfirm the priority - before any resolution can commence.
TRACCS System File Installers and Updater
Full Server Install with Exe Files, Dll's/OCX's and Databases
Is a workstation only installation of TRACCS 18_04_30 including Exe Files and DLL's/OCX's
Update windows system files only - to the labelled version (latest DLL's/OCX's ONLY)
TRACCS Version Updates
DATE : 04/10/2023
APP VERSION : 20.02.003
WEB VERSION : 20.02.001
DATE : 24/11/2023
APP VERSION : 23.11.001
WEB VERSION : 23.11.001
DATE : 08/12/2023
APP VERSION : 23.12.001
WEB VERSION : 23.12.001
DATE : 21/12/2023
APP VERSION : 23.12.002
WEB VERSION : 23.12.001
DATE : 24/11/2024
APP VERSION : 24.11.001
WEB VERSION : 24.11.001
DATE : 23/12/2024
APP VERSION : 24.12.001
WEB VERSION : 24.12.001
DATE : 28/01/2025
APP VERSION : 25.01.001
WEB VERSION : 25.01.001
Release Notes And Technical
Documents and Manuals for TRACCS
IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This Adamas Corporate Solutions End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Adamas Corporate Solutions for the Adamas Corporate Solutions software product identified above, which includes computer software and may include associated media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT"). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, do not install or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT; you may, however, return it to your place of purchase for a full refund.
The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold.
Release Management
This agreement is between the site and Adamas Corporate Solutions Pty Ltd and covers the provision of entitlements under the Code Maintenance Agreement (CMA) to an identified Adamas Corporate Solutions Site. This agreement will remain valid for a period of twelve months (12) and will be reviewed twelve months from the date of issue to the site. All amendments to service levels documented in the Adamas Corporate Solutions Pty Ltd Service Guide will be reflected on this service level agreement. All issues directly relating to the Code Maintenance Agreement agreement and the services provided under this agreement should be forwarded in writing for the attention of Customer Service either by:
Mail Adamas Corporate Solutions, P.O. Box 42, Maylands WA 6931 Email support@adamas.net.au
SAMPLE Code Maintenance Agreement (CMA)
Release Management
This agreement is between the site and Adamas Corporate Solutions Pty Ltd and covers the provision of entitlements under the Code Maintenance Agreement (CMA) to an identified Adamas Corporate Solutions Site.
This agreement will remain valid for a period of twelve months (12) and will be reviewed twelve months from the date of issue to the site. All amendments to service levels documented in the Adamas Corporate Solutions Pty Ltd Service Guide will be reflected on this service level agreement.
All issues directly relating to the Code Maintenance Agreement agreement and the services provided under this agreement should be forwarded in writing for the attention of Customer Service either by:
Mail: Adamas Corporate Solutions, P.O. Box 42, Maylands WA 6931
Email: support@adamas.net.au
Please note: That all service targets will only pertain to those sites who have signed and returned this document.
1. Standard Processes and Service Levels
1.1 Annual Costs
ADAMAS have implemented the Code Maintenance Agreement (CMA) for the provision of services. The cost for subsequent CMA renewal costs are based on number of TRACCS Software users.
ADAMAS has processes in place to support and maintain these services to ensure that they continue to meet agreed service levels.
In order for Adamas Corporate Solutions Pty Ltd to provide an efficient and effective service it is highly recommended that the site appoint an experienced staff member to liaise directly with Adamas Corporate Solutions Pty Ltd.
This agreement does not cover any charges for on site attendance to problems/training. Any of these charges are between the site and either Adamas or recommended IT consultants.
2. Support
Please Note - the help desk is not a technical support service for hardware or network issues. If you require support for a technical consultant who needs assistance with application transfer or installation - please contact the help desk with at least 1 weeks notice and arrange a dedicated support call with one of the help desk consultants. Alternatively contact the help desk for contact details for an authorised technical agent
The Help Desk is the standard first point of contact for site staff to Adamas Corporate Solutions Pty Ltd. It should be used to:
· report any faults encountered with software so that ADAMAS can investigate them;
· ask for assistance in using software;
· make change requests to existing service level agreements;
· make comments or suggestions about improving software;
· request software updates.
The Help Desk can be contacted by:
Email: support@adamas.com.au
To assist the Help Desk in resolving a fault or answering a query, the customer should supply the following information:
· Agency name
· customer number (Txxxxx),
· details of the fault, query, request, etc;
· Screen dump in Word Document form– showing the nature of the query/fault
· An assessment of the business impact of any fault (see section 3 on business impacts for further details).
The Help Desk will log each fault, query or other service request as an incident on the help desk system so that it can be tracked through to resolution.
The standard hours of operation for the Help Desk are 09:00 – 17:00 (Local Time) Monday – Friday inclusive, excluding National Public holidays. On state holidays, the Help Desk will have one team member working to provide support for interstate sites.
To ensure that ADAMAS uses its resources most effectively in maintaining high quality services, every fault reported must have a business impact code allocated to it. Discussions between customer representatives and ADAMAS have resulted in the definition of five impact codes as follows:
Level 1 - Emergency An incident that requires immediate attention because it involves the loss of client infrastructure functionality and will severely affect the site’s ability to meet targets OR has a significant impact on the sites external customers. This impact code requires the agreement of the Adamas Corporate Solutions Pty Ltd Help Desk Supervisor
Level 2 – High Significant loss of functionality of client infrastructure functionality that seriously affects the site’s staff ability to perform their normal work OR has a high visibility to the sites external customers.
Level 3 – Medium A minor loss client infrastructure functionality.
Level 4 – Low Minor loss of client infrastructure functionality with no significant affect on the sites’ ability to meet targets OR general questions relating to the use of functionality within the product.
Level 5 - Suspend Minor fault that has no current impact and can be fixed in a future scheduled maintenance operation.
In the instances where sites require on site assistance, customers can contact Adamas for a list of accredited technical consultants. (See Annex A) in each state who can provide on site assistance at a reasonable cost if required.
These targets cover product related faults and queries received by the Help Desk and do not apply to change requests, suggestions for improvement, etc unless these concern a current problem that has an adverse impact on the ability of site staff to use services.
Impact Code Target Response Time
Level 1 within 2 working hours
Level 2 within 4 working hours
Level 3 within 8 working hours
Level 4 within 2 working days
Level 5 - date for next scheduled software release containing the correction
- time waiting on a site’s database to be received for the purpose of further analysis to assist in resolving the site’s problem/s.
Beta and Reference sites will be given priority over other sites on the same Impact Code.
Response Time constitutes the time taken to commence investigation into the cause of the problem. As the ultimate resolution time is dependent upon the cause of the problem, this cannot be known in advance. However – customers will be kept informed as to the progress and nature of the problem as it becomes clear what the source problem or cause may be.
Please note:
That, in the case of a level 1 incident specified, Adamas requires the presence of a customer representative at all times to assist in obtaining any further diagnostic evidence that may be needed and to confirm that the resolution is satisfactory once this is available.
Adamas strongly stresses the importance for sites to provide Adamas with remote access to their site’s data by utilising remote access software or via vpn, remote desktop or other valid forms of remote connection. This option saves precious time for both the site and the Support Department when analysing problems.
The Adamas Help Desk is not a technical help desk for non TRACCS or non TRACCS operational issues. Queries or issues regarding Backups, Installation, Data Migration, Network or other infrastructure issues should be raised with your local ICT support. Adamas does not employ infrastructure technicians on the help desk - which is soley for operational support of TRACCS.
4.2 Incidents transferred to External IT Consultants
Whilst ADAMAS will make every effort to ensure that external IT Consultants promptly resolve incidents that are transferred to them, we have been unable to obtain a contractual commitment from them to fix incidents within a defined target time. If the site is unsatisfied with the resolution provided by the respective external IT consultant they are to contact the Help Desk to advise them of this. At which point the call will be reopened and steps taken by Adamas Corporate Solutions Pty Ltd to investigate.
This agreement does not cover any charges for on site attendance. Any charges for such attendance are between the site and the IT consultant.
4.3 Transport/Delivery of Customer Data
Not all problems can be resolved via email, phone or remote access, especially when a site may have data integrity issues ie. Corruption.
At those times it may be necessary for the Support Department to have direct access to a customers database. This can include dialling direct into the site’s database via remote access software (RDP, Citrix, Teamviewer), from the Support Department’s dedicated database server or by requesting the site to forward a copy of their database.
As this data contains private information, it is treated in accordance with the 1988 Privacy Act. Specifically, Section 10 (outlines the requirements for an agency in possession, or control of, a record of personal information).
The size of customer databases will often determine the type of delivery required. The following provide the special handling requirements when delivering data to and from its place of origin:
Remote access - Because this method is utilised via dedicated internet access there is no special handling requirements. The same applies when the Support Department are required to download databases via this method.
FTP Site - The customer database must be winzipped and password protected using their unique customer number e.g. Txxxxxx etc.
Email - Same as FTP.
Thumb Drive/Zip Drive/CD/DVD's etc - Same as FTP.
All databases when received are to be restored to a designated drive and the original delivery media returned back to the site. Databases are not to be stored anywhere else but to the designated drive.
To ensure that sites data is restricted at all times to the appropriate Adamas staff a designated staff member with limited access as determined by the Help Desk Supervisor is nominated. Redundant databases will be deleted once the site’s problem has been resolved.
5. Privacy Statement
All data collected is treated in accordance with the 1988 Privacy Act. Specifically, Section 10 (outlines the requirements for an agency in possession, or control of, a record of personal information).
Adamas Corporate Solutions Pty Ltd ensures that customer data is protected, by such security safeguards as are reasonable in the circumstances. This covers unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure, and other misuse.
The policy of Adamas Corporate Solutions Pty Ltd is that such data is, and remains, the sole property of the organization that accumulates such data and to the customers of the organization to whom the data refers. This data is provided to us, solely for the purpose of assisting the organisation. Once a satisfactory outcome is achieved and a predefined period has lapsed the data is subsequently destroyed.
At no time does this data enter into the possession of any person or entity that is not an employee nor contractor of Adamas Corporate Solutions Pty Ltd or associated companies.
A. Commonwealth of Australia Privacy Act 1988 – www.scaleplus.law.gov.au
B. Guidelines on Privacy in the Private Health Sector (extracted from the Privacy Act 1988) dated 8th November 2001 – www.privacy.gov.au
This information is current as of 1st July 2006.
The services provided by ADAMAS are designed to satisfy your business requirements. If you are not satisfied with the service that is provided, please let us know so that we can promptly investigate and resolve the matter. You can do this in two ways:
To report
specific faults, ask questions or register service requests, contact the Help
Desk as described in section 2.2
To report more
general problems, please provide in writing to the:
Customer Services Manager at either
support@adamas.net.au or via our website
www.adamas.net.au .
What we collect and how we collect it: make sure your personal information remains confidential on the Internet or in all respects of electronic commerce, Adamas Corporate Solutions is committed to provide the privacy policy for our online visitors. We do not sell your name or any other information collected from you. This Privacy Policy is to inform you of our online information practices and the choices available regarding the collection and use of your information.
Cookies Like many websites today, we may employ a standard technology called cookies to collect information about how you use our site in order to provide you with a better experience by measuring which areas of our website is of greatest interest or to remember you when you return to visit us. We have no desire or intent to infringe on your privacy while visiting our site. Most browsers will allow you to erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block acceptance of cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. You can choose to set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the choice of rejecting or accepting the cookie. Cookies may also be used by third party ad-serving companies when they place ads on our website and control which ads are shown. These ad-serving companies may use cookies to collect non-personally identifiable information from you. Advertisers use this information to target the ads and measure their impact. It is important to note that we do not inappropriately or willfully use such cookies technologies.
What we do with personal information The information you provide will be kept confidential and used to support your customer relationship with Adamas Corporate Solutions. Among other things, we want to use this data to tailor your experience on our website. Adamas Corporate Solutions will not share your personal information to any outside organisation for its use in marketing or solicitation without your consent. Your information may be shared with agents or contractors of Adamas Corporate Solutions for the purpose of performing services for Adamas Corporate Solutions. For example, if we need to ship something to you, we must share your name and address with a shipping company. We only provide third party agents with the minimum amount of information needed to complete the requested service or transaction.
Linked websites Other sites which are linked to/from our website may have different policies. Adamas Corporate Solutions does not share any personal information collected with those sites and is not responsible for any information or content of such websites. We encourage you to review the privacy policies posted on those sites for details.
Security measures We protect the personal information you share with us. At Adamas Corporate Solutions, access to your personal information is limited to people who need it to do their job. In addition, it is our policy to maintain the integrity of any personal information within our possession. To prevent security breaches, Adamas Corporate Solutions collects and stores all personal information in a separate location from this website, with no connection to the Internet or any other network.
Children's guidelines Adamas Corporate Solutions will NOT knowingly collect online contact information from children or minors (as defined by local requirements) and if we learn that we have personal information on a child or minor, we will delete that information from our systems. Adamas Corporate Solutions encourages parents or guardians to spend time online with their children and to participate in their online activities
Use and disclosure of anonymous aggregated information Adamas Corporate Solutions may also collect, aggregate and maintain anonymous information about the online visitors to our website. This data can then be used to tailor Adamas Corporate Solutions's website content and advertising to deliver a better experience for our visitors.
Policy governs use; changes to privacy policy The terms of this policy will govern the use and any information collected while it is in place. Adamas Corporate Solutions reserves the right to change this policy at any time. Changes to this privacy policy are effective at the time they are posted to this site. Last update: March 27, 2002.
Questions For any questions or comments regarding Adamas Corporate Solutions's privacy policy , please contact us at: support@adamas.net.au
Adamas recognizes that the ongoing success and relevance of TRACCS in the community care market place is dependent on functional and performance enhancements, as well as the meeting of any mandatory or statutory reporting requirements.
Adamas also recognizes the inherent impossibility of perfect software. There will always be technical shortcomings, bugs and issues in any software product.
To this end, a continuous program of software development is in place to allow the ongoing improvement and maintenance of TRACCS and the inclusion of any necessary mandatory or statutory functionality.
This policy outlines the structures and procedures Adamas has in place to support this development and the release of new versions into the market place.
In general terms, Adamas adheres to the Incremental Build model of Software Release. This is supported by a progressive refinements system which has been shown to be the superior method for developing timely functional releases to end market.
Adamas follows the widely implemented industry standard 3 tiered version numbering system.
TRACCS versions are denoted by a 3 part number identifying the major, minor and build number in the form xx.yy.zz
xx denotes the major TRACCS version. (e.g. 5). A major version change identifies major functional and cosmetic rewrites of TRACCS. (Eg porting from Access to SQL Serve). At the date of the last amendment to this document – there had been 5 major versions of TRACCS.
Major releases occur on average once every 18-24 months
yy denotes the minor TRACCS version. (e.g. 10). A minor version change indicates significant functionality change incorporating clearly identified additional modules or rewrites of specific modules or identifiable sections of the TRACCS application.
Minor releases occur on average once every 6-12 months.
zz denotes the minor build/service pack number. A minor build or service pack change occurs whenever there is an addition or code change to any portion of TRACCS, and includes minor functional and cosmetic changes.
Minor releases typically occur on a weekly basis.
At any given point in time - Adamas will maintain 3 versions of TRACCS.
1.2.1 Development Version (DV)– this is the latest version of TRACCS
1.2.2 Current Production Version (CPV) – this is the currently distributed production version of TRACCS
1.2.3 Previous Production Version(PPV) – this is the previous production version of TRACCS.
The setting of a version number as either development, current or previous is determined by the major and minor version numbers. A build number change is not considered to be a version change. So – the creation of either a new major version or minor version will trigger a change of version status. On the other hand, the release of new builds or service packs will not trigger a change of version status. As an example – current build status’s at the date of this document are as follows
DV version number is 5.11.12
PV version number is 5.10.38
PPV version number is 5.9.51
A change to a build number (eg 5,10.38 to 5.10.39) will not trigger a version status change.
The release of the DV to PV will trigger a cascading version status change. So when 5.11 goes to production – the following version status changes will result
5.9 series will become unsupported
5.10 series will become the PPV
5.11 series will become the PV
5.12 series will become the DV
As with any software package – there will always be a requirement to provide maintenance of existing versions for a variety of reasons
These reasons fall broadly into 4 categories
Significant functional gaps
Functional Enhancements/Modifications
New Strategic Development
Where Adamas is notified of or detects an actual fault in the TRACCS software – or where Adamas is notified of or detects a high priority functional gap in the TRACCS software (ie causing high priority issues with sites – as defined in the code maintenance agreement) – Adamas will correct the issue in any supported versions of TRACCS affected. The corrected version will then be posted to the Adamas web site on the downloads page with a revised build/service pack number. The Major and minor versions will remain unchanged.
Any changes or corrections made in the build will be detailed in the version release notes – also available on the Adamas web site on the downloads page
Adamas has in place both a conceptual and practical commitment to -
Adamas maintains a list of all enhancement requests lodged by sites, as well as a strategic plan for both required statutory changes and strategic product improvements.
Adamas will incorporate nominated items from 1 and 2 above according to priority on an ongoing basis.
Such changes will be of a significant scope and will involve both functional and cosmetic changes to TRACCS.
Such changes will be added to the test and development version of TRACCS and tested internally by Adamas for a period of not less than 1 month or equivalent business cycle.
After completion of satisfactory testing - the changes and enhancements will be incorporated into the production build of TRACCS. The updated production version of TRACCS will then be posted to the Adamas web site on the downloads page with a revised minor version number. The Major version will remain unchanged.
Any changes or corrections made in the build will be detailed in the version release notes – also available on the Adamas web site on the downloads page.
Adamas has in place both a conceptual and practical commitment to medium and long term strategic changes in the TRACCS product to support
Adamas maintains a medium to long term strategic plan up to 3 years in advance of current production. This plan includes -
Adamas will incorporate nominated items above according to priority on an ongoing basis.
Such changes will involve major rewrites of sections or modules of TRACCS – and will be outside the scope of either a build change or a minor version change.
Such changes will be added to the test and development version of TRACCS and tested internally by Adamas for a period of not less than 3 months or 3 equivalent business cycles
After completion of satisfactory testing - the changes and enhancements will be incorporated into the production build of TRACCS. The updated production version of TRACCS will then be posted to the Adamas web site on the downloads page with a revised major version number.
Any version changes made to TRACCS are posted to the Adamas web site www.adamas.net.au on the downloads page – and made accessible for licensed users.
Full instructions on how to download and update TRACCS from the web are posted on the TRACCS web site on the Home Page.
Any changes to TRACCS are documented in the first instance in release notes accompanying the release of each posted version to the web.
The release notes are posted simultaneously with the posting of a new build, major or minor version
Release notes summarize key points of any change in the new build/version. The release notes will provide a concise functional summary of the changes with accompanying screen dumps where necessary. It will also include a description of any notable flow on impacts as a result of those changes.
The release notes are not intended or designed to be a manual.
On an ongoing basis the release notes are used to update the Adamas procedures manuals.
Update manuals are made available to customers on the Adamas Web site via the downloads page.
At any given point in time – the total documentation for the current TRACCS version consists of the current manuals + release notes for any changes instituted after the release of the current manuals.
In accordance with anti spam/marketing email ethics – Adamas will not notify customers directly of all new versions available. Adamas will however provide up to date information on its web page covering new features, release notes documenting any changes and news pages outlining current topics of interest that may affect a customers desire to update to the latest version.